If there is ever a verse of scripture that summarizes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is II Corinthians 5:21. In that verse the Apostle Paul says “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Put another way, God the father chose Jesus Christ his son to become sin for us as he suffered, bled, and died on the cross. But Jesus Christ knew no sin. He was sinless. So why did he do it? That we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Jesus took our sins and gave us his righteousness. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, it is as if we’ve never sinned.
Paul also said in Romans 10:9 – 10, “If we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior, believing that he died for our sins by faith, we shall be saved. Salvation is accepting God’s free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ his son.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings new life. It is more than church membership even though we need the church. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we become children of God. We are born into God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ. Then our journey begins. Our journey is our daily walk with God as we experience his presence and fulfill his purpose for our lives. And the real good news is anybody can be saved. Anybody. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past, Jesus will save you if you confess him as your personal savior. It’s the greatest life, ever.