Come hang out with the HSPCBC family for fun, food and fellowship! It’s GameNight, featuring Bible Mania! Come compete for fabulous prizes and the joy of knowledge of the scripture!

Historic Saint Paul Community Baptist Church
A church committed to the Lord Jesus Christ and the proclamation of His Gospel
Come hang out with the HSPCBC family for fun, food and fellowship! It’s GameNight, featuring Bible Mania! Come compete for fabulous prizes and the joy of knowledge of the scripture!
As pastor, I extend the welcome of our staff and community to all who enter our website.
May God’s peace be with you!
I hope that we are able to help you find what you need here. We have put a lot of information on our site, as well as links that may connect you to places where others may provide what we cannot. There’s even a contact link where you can ask a question if our website doesn’t give you what you need.
Of course, we also want to provide personal assistance in whatever way we can, if you need to talk to someone. To speak to a person, please call our parish phone at (410) 732-1338. During weekday hours, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., our parish staff can assist you. At other times just follow our directory and leave a message if the person you are seeking is not there.
Please join us for service. Our mission is to live and worship as a Christian people, calling forth the gifts of each one and ministering to the needs of others. If you are new, I hope you will let us know who you are and will share our life as fellow Christians. If you are already a member of our church, I want you to know that anytime is a good time to get to know more about, or perhaps even get more involved in, the many good things that are happening at the Saint Paul Community Baptist Church.
God’s blessings be yours, today and always!